Today I tested and added on the line sensor to the Vex Bot while my partner finished working on his color sensor. Luckily I didn't solder anything incorrectly and the sensor worked just as it did on the breadboard. Eventually I had the sensor hooked up to the Bot albeit it was temporary. Professor Mason wrote a program for me to test the sensor while it was hooked to the Bot. The sensor worked great, and the different values can be used to tell the Bot when it has hit a line.
I tried to get the Sonar Sensor to work, but I had trouble and couldn't get the Bot to move, and I haven't figured out why yet. The Sonar Sensor emits sound waves which we cannot hear. The sounds bounce off of objects, and when those sounds return to the sensor, it caculates the distance based on how long it took for the sounds to return.
Sometime shortly after my failure with the Sonar, my partner returned with his finished Color Sensor. The Color Sensor works by emitting 3 different lights. When those lights hit a colored paper, floor, or wall, if the color and the light are the same, then the light will be absorbed by it while the other colors reflect back to the sensor. So the LED shines red, blue, and green, and there's a red paper in front of it, then the red will be absorbed while the two other colors are reflected back. Then the sensor will judge which color is in front of it. At least that's my understanding of it.
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