Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 15 & 1/2: Troubleshooting Sonar, Line Sensor, and Color Sensor

Today was more hurry up and wait. We were getting close to perfecting our bot when we discovered that the color sensor no longer registered efficiently at all. Its range was reduced  to less than an inch plus it had trouble recognizing the color red. Most of the day was spent trying to get it to work, but our efforts were wasted. The sonar was acting up as well, with the range also reduced. More interesting, my line sensor was acting up too. I checked the emitter and it seemed just as bright, yet the debugger showed that the sensor was getting poor values. We returned the next day with the intention of fixing these problems, and spent that day continuing the troubleshooting. We had to make compromises and were unsuccessful in restoring the sensors' former reliability.

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